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Top 5 Reasons Why Senior Adults Need a Medical Alert Button

As our parents age, (or as WE age) our physical abilities can decline, and the likelihood of experiencing a medical emergency can increase. A medical alert button is a simple and effective tool that provides peace of mind and security for senior adults and their loved ones. Here are the top 5 reasons why a medical alert button is a must-have for senior adults:

  1. Quick Access to Emergency Response During Falls or Accidents: Falls are a common cause of injury among senior adults, and a medical alert button can provide immediate access to help in case of a fall. The Mobile Alert button we had for my father-in-law would contact us first so we had the opportunity to check on him if we were close.  If we weren’t, they would go ahead and place a call to 911.  In our situation, we were just across the road; so most of the time we could run over and check on him to see if he truly had fallen or if he had pressed the button by accident.
  2. Immediate Help for Medical Emergencies: Whether it’s a heart attack, stroke, a broken hip or any other medical emergency, a medical alert button can provide quick access to help, improving the chances of a positive outcome.  The convenience of the wearable button means it is always there when they need it.
  3. Peace of Mind for Loved Ones Who Live Far Away: If you have loved ones who live far away, a medical alert button can provide peace of mind for them, knowing that help is just a button push away.  This also gave peace of mind to those of us close to home.  You just can’t be there every minute and when you have to be at work or out for dinner or whatever… knowing they have the button if it is needed helped us to not worry (as much!)
  4. Improved Independence for Those Who Live Alone: For senior adults who live alone, a medical alert button can provide a sense of security and independence, allowing them to live their lives with confidence.  We thought we might have to argue about them wearing these consistently but we didn’t!
  5. 24/7 Monitoring for Added Safety and Security: A medical alert button provides 24/7 monitoring for added safety and security, ensuring that help is always available when it is needed.    The model we had also would track location which was advantageous when he still insisted on driving occasionally.  He was also an avid mower.  He had more than 4 acres that he mowed with a rider.  As a retired farmer, mowing was the closest thing to farming he could do and gave him lots of joy.  Knowing that he had his alert button on made it easier to  let him do what he loved. (The model we used would track him even if he was away from the base unit.)

In conclusion, a medical alert button is a simple and effective tool that provides peace of mind, security, and independence for senior adults. With the top 5 reasons listed above, it’s easy to see why a medical alert button is a must-have for senior adults. So, if you or a loved one is a senior adult, consider investing in a medical alert button today.

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Mobile Alert Button through Amazon